Afternoon Pages

“Write a Letter to…”

Dear Me,

Remember to value making the students always feel comfortable in you class. To respect not just acknowledge the struggles that all of the students are going through, because you have been in their same place and wished that someone else would help you through. Remember to cherish even the bad days because you picked this profession knowing that it wouldn’t all be just rainbows and sunshine. Remember the badges that you have done in this class. Use them. Be an advocate and fight for those students who have lost their voice through the educational system. Fight for things that you want to be different for the new teachers that are coming up behind you. Include the Connective Learning, and rather than doing a paper like everyone else around you bring some color back into the students lives and let them do a project instead. Let it be something that you didn’t have your hands in before they could even begin. Let this flow the creativity and passion that you hope to include in your classroom.

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